Temple and Family History: Getting Started

Welcome to the Sugar Land 2nd Ward resource page for Temple and Family History work.

Below are introductory explanations and references to the various aspects of Temple and Family History work. In order to get started, you will need a login to familysearch.org. If you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, your membership credentials are your login, otherwise you will need to create an account.

There are a few related areas to the redemption of our deceased ancestors :

More information on these categories are listed below:

Data Digitizing (Indexing, reviewing names, verifying places, etc)

Some may consider these activities as a type of game. For more information, please see:
and click on “Get Started” or “Find Places” as desired

In addition, to support the various areas of Family Search, phone apps are available for Android and Apple phones:

Building and Adding to Your Family Tree

Temple Work

Here are published frequently asked questions published at Family Search:
